American Chamber of Commerce in Albania

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania (AmCham) is a private, not-for-profit business promotion and development organization. Through its work and services, AmCham seeks to build a better business climate, and to be the leading representative for U.S. and international business in Albania. Since its establishment in 2000, the Chamber has worked to increase trade between the United States and Albania, to promote foreign investment in Albania, and improve the Albanian business image in U.S. and international markets. AmCham’s membership has grown steadily over the past decade, and now totals more than 215 active members representing the most productive and successful businesses operating in Albania.

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Event Details

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania

has the pleasure to invite you to the following forum:

"An Ethical Blueprint for Business:

Method, Medium, Motive"

Are moral absolutes a myth?

Is relativism a new reality?

When our foundations are fluid there can be no stability

You cannot make a good deal with a bad person

Truth by nature is exclusive

The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform by clicking on the link below:


May 18, 2021

Main Schedule

11:00 - 11:05
11:05 - 11:10
Welcoming Speech
Enio Jaço (President at AmCham Albania)
Enio Jaço
11:10 - 11:15
Intro Survey Results Presentation
Roden Pajaj (Chair of Labor & Ethics Committee at AmCham Albania)
Roden Pajaj
11:15 - 11:55
Speech of Guest Speaker
Krish Dhanam (CEO of Krish Dhanam: Training International Inc)
Krish Dhanam
CEO with Skylife Success, co-founder of Krish Dhanam Training and President of Mala Ministries and serves as a global adjunct with Ravi Zacharias. He is the author of The American Dream from an Indian Heart and From Abstracts to Absolutes and contributing author to the book Top Performance written by Zig Ziglar. His latest book Hard Headed and Soft Hearted was co-authored with Rick Belluzzo former President of Microsoft.
11:55 - 12:20
Speech of Guest Speaker
Arben Malaj (President of the Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPM))
Arben Malaj
Prof. Dr. Arben Malaj, presently lectures at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and is also the President of Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPM). He holds a PhD and a bachelor Degree in Finance from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy. He has Senior Fellow at Harvard University, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, from September 2005-June 2006, focusing on the Issues(opportunities, challenges) of the adhesion of Western Balkans Integration in EU process. During his long career as an economist for 27 years he has been leading the Albanian economic scene by holding important roles such as: Minister of Finance, Minister of Economy, Deputy Head of Parliamentary Commission for Economy an Finances, Head of Albanian Inter-parliamentary Delegation to EU Parliament, Head of Albanian Parliamentary Commission and Round Table for Stability Pact in the region, Head of Albanian Delegation to Central European Initiative, Governor of Albania in World Bank, Head of SMEs Tirana Section in the EU Phare Program.
12:20 - 12:45
Speech of Guest Speaker
Mike Chaney (Former Vice President Product Supply at Procter & Gamble)
Mike Chaney
Mike Chaney recently retired from Procter & Gamble after 38 years of service. His role over the last decade was Vice President Product Supply for Global Grooming category which represents about 12-15% of the P&G company. He oversaw all of product supply for Gillette, Venus, Braun and the Art of Shaving. This included 17 plants and 5 technical centers located around the world serving over 140 countries. The product supply function includes manufacturing, procurement, engineering, quality assurance and supply chain design and management. He was also an active sponsor of various Affinity groups including the Boston Women’s Network, African Ancestry Group, and Boston Based veterans and reserves.
12:45 - 13:00
Discussion Session - Questions & Answers


Enio Jaço (President at AmCham Albania)

Enio Jaço

President at AmCham Albania

Roden Pajaj (Chair of Labor & Ethics Committee at AmCham Albania)

Roden Pajaj

Chair of Labor & Ethics Committee at AmCham Albania

Krish Dhanam (CEO of Krish Dhanam: Training International Inc)

Krish Dhanam

CEO of Krish Dhanam: Training International Inc

Arben Malaj (President of the Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPM))

Arben Malaj

President of the Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPM)

Mike Chaney (Former Vice President Product Supply at Procter & Gamble)

Mike Chaney

Former Vice President Product Supply at Procter & Gamble

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